A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Teach yourself. “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Nobody is going to explain how student loans work. They aren’t going to explain the maintenance costs of home ownership. No willing volunteer is going to help you negotiate a better salary. Life insurance? Forget it. There is a good chance you’ll be sold something you don’t need. Disability insurance? “I think I have that”, you might say, “though I don’t know what it covers.” What is a 401(k) and which investments should I select? The market is scary, right?” (Elliott Appel)
9 Important Money Lessons from My 20s (Elliott Appel)
How Incentive Stock Options Can Trigger AMT (Travis Gatzemeier)
How To Determine Your Budgeting Category Percentages In Retirement (Clint Haynes)
Top 5 Personal Finance Books You Need To Read (Thomas Kopelman)
How to be FREE with & without Money (Conscious Money with Cleona Lira)
A powerful way to gain confidence in talking about ESG with the CFA ESG Investing exam (Conscious Money with Cleona Lira)