A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“I have been using the bullet journal, and it has helped me to be more organized. It’s just like a financial plan, even if everything doesn’t go perfectly, just the act of planning and the regular attention to it helps me be calmer about what I need to accomplish.” (Christopher Clepp)
Remaining Accountable (Christopher Clepp)
Are Roth IRA Conversions A Good Idea In Retirement? (Clint Haynes, CFP®)
Three Ways To Increase Social Security – Finger Financial Five #95 (Jeremy Finger)
A Better Approach to Retirement Income Than the 4% Rule (Bautis Financial)
A Three-Part Series on Making the Most of Your Retirement Dollars – Part I (Nick Covyeau, CFP®)
Episode 118 – Mistakes to Avoid When Taking Withdrawals From Your 401k (Agent of Wealth Podcast with Marc Bautis)
2022 Q3 FPAOC Quarterly Education Meeting (Justin Castelli, CFP®)