A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Our mental accounting gets fussy when one account serves too many purposes. Instead, try creating sub-accounts so you can see how much money you have set aside for each specific purpose. Some examples could include a vacation fund, a new car fund, and a future estimated tax payments fund.” (Brian Plain)
How Much Should You Give to Charity? (Elliott Appel)
Allocating to Crypto (Simon Tryzna)
3 Lessons I’ve Learned Recently (Christopher Clepp)
Preparing Financially for a Career Change (Matt Fizell)
Learn from the Mistakes of Others – 3 Mistakes That Can Be Catastrophic (Elliott Appel)
Reduce your decision making fatigue (Brian Plain)
Members in the Media
Barron’s Advisor – Couples with Big Age Gaps Require Special Attantion (featuring Matthew Ricks)