A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“This is one of the biggest questions I get asked all the time, how much can you spend in retirement? The answer is obviously variable but there are 3 big elements that come into play… the three elements are what are your fixed income sources, what is your spending strategy, and how are you invested.” (Thatcher Taylor, CFP®)
Start Teaching Your Kids About Money (Philip Weiss, CPA®)
Safe Withdrawal Rates From Investments Without Going Broke In Retirement (Thatcher Taylor, CFP®)
Dispelling Life Insurance Myths Regardless of Wealth with Bob Gavlak, CFP®: Intro To Life Insurance (Thatcher Taylor, CFP®)
Episode 165 – How to Invest in the Private Market With Leif Hartwig (Agent of Wealth Podcast with Marc Bautis)