A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“When his clients read his confident messages in every blog to ‘stay the course’ (his unofficial tagline), it helps to calm the fears that might otherwise make them react impulsively. Ashby believes that his unwavering optimism is what his clients crave. He says, ‘I have faith in the future that everything will work out okay, and my clients have bought into my belief system. They feed off of the optimism that I have.’
But he doesn’t just blow rose-colored smoke up their investment plans. Ashby is staunch about proving his promises, and takes every opportunity to point out historical examples that inform his approach. He works hard to earn his audience’s trust, and says, ‘That trust is what encourages them. Do they think that I know what I’m talking about? And do I actually believe what I’m talking about?’” (You’re a Financial Planner… Now what?, Matt Fizell featuring Ashby Daniels)
What Steps Should You Take to Retire Early? (Chris Struckhoff)
6 Times Entrepreneurs Need A Financial Advisor (Brett Fellows)
The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap To Retirement Part 3: Transition From Business Owner To Retiree (Brett Fellows)
What We Can Learn from a Teenage Pop Star (Brian Plain)
Kimberly Stark (Orange County Business Success, Chris Struckhoff)
Say What You Think with Ashby Daniels (You’re a Financial Planner… Now what?, Matt Fizell featuring Ashby Daniels)