A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Wealth is more than simply having money. Wealth offers choices and freedom. It can empower you to invest in anything that supports your values, purpose, and goals. Learn more about how to create your own rich life.” Clint Haynes
Cash, Investments, Inflation, Retirement & Ice Cream – Finger Financial Five #26 (Jeremy Finger)
12 Personal Finance Numbers You Should Know (Thomas Kopelman)
The Top 5 Benefits To Investing In Yourself (Clint Haynes)
The Superpower We All Possess But Often Ignore (Brian Plain)
Jodi Herman (Orange County Business Success, Chris Struckhoff)
Women in the Conversation (You’re a Financial Planner, Now What?, Matt Fizell)
Building Calluses & Growing into Entrepreneurship (You’re a Financial Planner, Now What?, Matt Fizell)
Learning to Think Like a Breadwinner (Financial Finesse, Cathy Curtis)
Members in the Media
Advising Clients on IRA Contributions After Age 70½ (Travis Gatzemeier & Tyler Aubrey)