A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“I have seen the self induced pressure of past mistakes cause the retiree to be a bit reckless on the next decision and make more mistakes.” (Jeremy Finger)
How To Think of Retirement Mistakes & Golf at The Masters! – Finger Financial Five #77 (Jeremy Finger)
Five Things to Think About When Investing for College (Christopher Clepp)
Medicare Advantage Or Medicare Supplement: What’s Right For Me? (Clint Haynes, CFP®)
Jumpstart YOUniversity – How do you build the practice of your dreams? ATTN: #financialadvisor this is for you! (Dominique Henderson)
Agent of Wealth Podcast with Marc Bautis: Episode 101 – How to Invest in Self-Storage and Mobile Homes with Blake Templeton (Marc Bautis)