A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“The connectivity of the internet is also allowing clients to have flexibility that they’ve never had before. If you are looking for an investment advisor or a retirement income expert, proximity is now a preference, not a requirement. One thing should remain in this search–the desire to find a financial professional that will be acting as a fiduciary at all times.” (Michael H. Baker)
Saving for Nothing (Elliott Appel)
You Are Your Life’s Creative Director (Justin Castelli)
The 7 Types of Insurance Most People Shouldn’t Go Without (Chris Struckhoff)
Liquidity & Diversification Strategies For Entrepreneurs (Brett Fellows)
Estate Planning, Retirement Relocation & Charitable Gifting – Finger Financial Five #25 (Jeremy Finger)
An Honest Mechanic (Michael H. Baker)
What Is A Family Trust And Do I Need One? (Clint Haynes)
How to Become Wealthy – 6 Methods (Elliott Appel)
Resources for Operating and Growing your Speech Pathology Practice (SLP Money, Craig Goldslager)
Lisa Telles (Orange County Business Success, Chris Struckhoff)