A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“The problem is, economists and advertisers aren’t concerned about your personal bottom line. Just like you, they’re concerned about their jobs, their families, their standard of living, and their ability to retire comfortably.
Therefore, you need to adopt a “me vs. them” mentality when it comes to kicking your shopping habit. In other words, before you open your wallet to buy something, stop and think: Do I want “them” to have my money, or do I want “me” to have my money? The person on the other side of the cash register certainly doesn’t know if you can afford the item you are about to purchase—nor do they care.
Think of shopping as a psychological battleground—that’s how advertisers think of it. Do you want to be the victor or the vanquished? Remember: you were not born to shop!” (Cathy Curtis)
How to Read Your Tax Return (Elliott Appel)
Roth Conversions (Jim Platania Jr.)
‘HELP! I received my third stimulus payment check abroad. How can I cash it?’ (Marina Hernandez)
Working Together: 17 Benefits of Tax Planning – Finger Financial Five #23 (Jeremy Finger)
Getting Remarried After 50? Blended is the New Black (Anne-Marie Stott)
Simple Truth #3: Contrary to Popular Opinion, You Were NOT Born to Shop (Cathy Curtis)
The Home Buyers’ Plan – What You Need to Know (Jeff Chapman)
Get Comfortable With Volatility (Thomas Kopelman)
Which Financial Path is Right for You? (Christopher Clepp)
The American Rescue Plan: Stimulus Checks and Unemployment Benefits (Part One) (Stanley K. Himeno-Okamoto)
Christina Singhal (Orange County Business Success, Chris Struckhoff)
Episode 63 – Using a Prosperity Picture to Create Your Perfect Life with Ellen Rogin (Agent of Wealth Podcast, Marc Bautis)
Members in the Media
Kitces.com – Updating Advisor Marketing For A New Niche Without Alienating Existing Clients (Chad Chubb)