A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“You cannot drive a car looking in the rearview mirror. We cannot automatically assume what would have worked in the past will work in the future.” (Christopher Clepp)
Three “Wise” Guys on: Cryptoassets (Simon Tryzna, Matthew Ricks, & Michael Kelly)
How the SECURE Act Changes Retirement Planning (Danny Michael)
Three Key Investment Strategies Hidden In Plain Sight (Brett Fellows)
Would You Prefer To Drive A Boat or Ride On A Yacht? – Finger Financial Five #19 (Jeremy Finger)
Little Known Facts About Planning for your Future (Christopher Clepp)
Investors: Tie Yourself to the Mast (Michael H. Baker)
5 Common Money Mistakes (Elliott Appel)
Adulting got you down? (Brian Plain)
You’re a Financial Planner… Now What? Episode #243 – Helping Millennial Couples Align Their Money With Their Values, with Kevin Mahoney, CFP® (Matt Fizell, featuring Kevin Mahoney)
Members in the Media
The Balance – How to Invest in 2021 (featuring Simon Tryzna & Travis Gatzemeier)