A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“I opened with the quote from Stephen Covey, “Begin with the end in mind.” Your plan should begin with where it is you want to end up, with your values, your true goals. It is that plan that should lead your decisions, not the news headlines or what the neighbors are doing. Stay true to your own values and goals, in spite of the obstacles laid out before you, and you will find that you will get to where you truly want to be and have enjoyed the journey to get there.” (Christopher Clepp)
The Upside of Constraints (Brian Plain)
What Happened with GameStop? An Explanation of What Happened and 3 Takeaways (Elliott Appel)
One Last Lesson from Kobe (Simon Tryzna)
How Hindsight Bias Can Impact Your Investment Decisions (Peter Lazaroff)
How to Minimize Regret with Your Investment Decisions (Peter Lazaroff)
The Secret of a Successful Financial Planning Strategy (Christopher Clepp)
Enough Part 2 – A Framework (Jeremy Walter)
A Reader Asks: ‘I renounced in 2019, but I got a CARES Act payment anyway. What should I do?’ (Marina Hernandez)
What You Should Do If You Think Taxes Are Going Up (Melissa Joy)
How to Make Filing Taxes Easier – 4 Tips (Elliott Appel)
52 Pearls: Episode 50: Gen Z Disruption with Julia Carreon (Melissa Joy)