A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Once you finally work up the courage to create a monthly budget, one challenge remains: What is the difference between a fixed and variable expense? And how does the role of these two fit within a budget, anyway?” (Marc Bautis)
What’s the Difference Between Fixed and Variable Expenses? (Marc Bautis)
Five Areas A Financial Advisor Can or Should Help You – Finger Financial Five #122 (Jeremy Finger)
George Kinder On The 3 Essential Life Planning Questions (Philip Weiss, CPA®)
Apprise’s Five Favorite Reads For The Week Of February 19, 2023 (Philip Weiss, CPA®)
Episode 144 – How to Sell Your Online Business With Nate Lind at Website Closers (Agent of Wealth Podcast with Marc Bautis)