A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Money is a frequent source of strife in relationships, often because we each bring our own beliefs, filters and scripts, most of them unconscious. One way to use some of your Money Date time is to share these intimate money stories, what messages you picked up along the way and how you think they influence your current thoughts, feelings and behavior. A little self-awareness around finances is amazingly helpful. We can start to identify our own patterns.” (Stephanie McCullough)
Process Over Product, People Over Everything (Michael H. Baker)
Bitcoin Basics: What To Know Before You Buy (Brett Fellows)
How Can Pain & Self Reflection Help You in Retirement? (Jeremy Finger)
Why Boring is Beautiful When it Comes to Investing (Christopher Clepp)
Creating Your Own Financial Good Luck (Stephanie McCullough)
My Take On Short Selling (Grant Bledsoe)
GameStop, Gamma Vortex, and Confirmation Bias (Grant Bledsoe)
Financial Finesse S3 E1: What Every Woman Needs To Know About Long Term Care Insurance (Cathy Curtis)
Members in the Media
Money and Your Honey: How to Schedule Personal Finance Dates (featuring Stephanie McCullough)