A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“If you ever get the chance to take time for yourself and explore, I’d recommend it.” (Elliott Appel)
How Much Does a 26 Day Road Trip Cost? (Elliott Appel)
Why Is It Important For Your Financial Advisor To Have Your Tax Return? – Finger Financial Five #54 (Jeremy Finger)
Should You Own Gold in your Portfolio? (Jordan Benold)
Do’s & Don’ts Retirement Checklist. Steaks & Cakes! – Finger Financial Five #53 Half Ironman Finisher (Jeremy Finger)
Members in the Media
Washington City Paper’s Best of D.C. Readers’ Choice Award for Best Money Management Services category (Winner: Kevin Mahoney)
The Christian Retirement Show Ep. 16 Is Social Security Going to Run Out?! (Eric Schrum)
OUTCOMES: Double Your Business by Doing Less with David Wood (Ross Marino)
Shaping Change: A Holistic View of the Client Mindset with Devin Eckberg (Ross Marino)