A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Although I spend a lot of time doing tax compliance, personal income tax planning is my main area of interest, particularly the interaction between the U.S. tax rules and those of foreign countries and how they impact Americans when they live overseas. The U.S. is unique in taxing its citizens on their worldwide income even when they live abroad, creating conflict with local tax laws and potentially leading to double taxation. This can be a big problem, but on the other hand, every time there’s conflict, there’s also opportunity. I enjoy finding opportunities to improve tax efficiency and/or reduce tax complexity for my clients when the pieces don’t quite seem to fit together. Leonard Cohen said it so well: “There is a crack…in everything, That’s how the light gets in.” You can always find me looking for that tax silver lining.” (Marina Hernandez)
Family Guide To Caregiving & Elder Care. Who Will Change The Batteries? – Finger Financial Five #55 (Jeremy Finger)
Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald (Matt Fizell)
Members in the Media
Bloomberg Tax: Spotlight on Cross-Border Tax Adviser Marina Hernandez (Marina Hernandez)