A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“A buy-sell agreement is an excellent tool to help business owners plan for today and tomorrow and to help avoid costly and time-consuming disputes which can cause financial and operational headaches.” (Christopher Clepp)
Is There An Ideal Age To Retire? (Clint Haynes, CFP®)
How Much Cash Should I Have in Retirement? (Elliott Appel)
The Negative Effects of Caregiving (Elliott Appel)
Why You Should Review Your Medicare Plan Each Year (Elliott Appel)
Aging In Place – Costs and Factors to Consider (Elliott Appel)
How to Ensure a Smooth Business Transition (Christopher Clepp)
Why should you be benchmarking your business (Christopher Clepp)
Beyond tax filings, How a good CPA can help business owners better manage profitability,operations, and risk reduction. (Christopher Clepp)
The Grinder with Austin Keen | On Our PRST (Justin Castelli, CFP®)