A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Whether you prefer to hire internally or outsource to a specialist, delegating responsibilities that don’t require your expertise lets you step into a true leadership role. For example, overseeing business and marketing planning, and in some cases, client relationships, allows you to influence the long-term direction of your business.” (Brett Fellows)
Common Business Practices of Successful Entrepreneurs (Brett Fellows)
Top Ten Tax Considerations for Swiss Nationals Moving to the USA – Financial Education Video Library (Marina Hernandez)
Keys To Understanding Your Incentive Stock Options (Jordan Nietzel)
Sketchpad Simple – Avoiding Lifestyle Creep to Retire Earlier (Rob Bruner)
Members in the Media
Investors Business Daily: When Young Clients Want Instant Rewards, Advisors Shift Their Focus (Featuring Stephanie McCullough)