A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“The certainty-seeking monster that is our brain swims in a pool of endorphins when we just KNOW we are “right” about something. On the flip side, questioning our priors and/or admitting that there is just so much we don’t know for certain goes completely against the grain. But practicing humility allows us to more clearly see when we’ve defaulted back into our ingrained either/or decision-making logic.” (Brian Plain)
Oh, Behave! (Shaun Erickson)
Financial Planning Basics For Entrepreneurs Part 2: Tax Planning (Brett Fellows)
Life’s Critical Transitions For Retirees – Finger Financial Five #28 (Jeremy Finger)
Health Savings Accounts: Everything You Need to Know (Chris Struckhoff)
What To Do With Your Old 401(k) After You Switch Jobs (Thomas Kopelman)
The ‘Right’ Mindset for Better Decision Making (Brian Plain)
Judy Bower-Francher(Orange County Business Success, Chris Struckhoff)
The Long Game Podcast Episode 11 (Thomas Kopelman Interviewed By Justin Castelli)