A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Just remember – no matter if you are building out your bracket or your portfolio, it’s essential to be aware of any biases that you may have and try to mitigate them as much as possible.” (Simon Tryzna)
Investors: Know Thyself (Michael H. Baker)
Why Portfolio Rebalancing is Important and How it Works (Chris Struckhoff)
How Does Inflation Affect Retirement? – Finger Financial Five #22 (Jeremy Finger)
The American Rescue Plan: Stimulus Checks and Unemployment Benefits (Part One) (Stanley K. Himeno-Okamoto)
Brackets & Biases (Simon Tryzna)
When is Enough, Enough? (Christopher Clepp)
The Home Buyers’ Plan – What You Need to Know (Jeff Chapman)
The Entrepreneur’s Roadmap To Retirement Part 1: Make Saving A Priority (Brett Fellows)
Baby You Can Drive My Car (Matthew Ricks)
Richard Ellison (Orange County Business Success, Chris Struckhoff)
Members in the Media
CNBC – The Pandemic Forced Americans to Face Unprecedented Financial Dilemmas. Here’s How Advisors Have Stepped in to Help (Brett Koeppel)
CNN – 7 Important Reasons to Talk with a Financial Adviser Right Now (Cleve Gantt, Chris Struckhoff, Christopher Clepp)
Ep #299: Considerations for Special Needs Planning: A Discussion With Alexandra Baig, Neil Mahoney, Todd Sensing, and Matthew Ricks (Matthew Ricks)
Mastering a Great (digital) First Impression to Attract Your Ideal Client (Jared Tanimoto)