A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“What people do not hear enough is to spend lavishly on what they love. Cut the rest of the nonsense and then go wild with what truly delights you. Spending money on things or experiences is not bad. Spending money on the wrong things or experiences is bad. ” (Elliott Appel)
Skip the Quarterly Performance Report and Track This Metric Instead (Brian Plain)
Please Spend Lavishly (Elliott Appel)
2020 Tax Strategies For Small Business Owners (Brett Fellows)
AMT and ISOs (Stanley K. Himeno-Okamoto)
Critical Retirement Transition, FOMO & Grand Canyon – Finger Financial Five #20 (Jeremy Finger)
Introduction to Cryptoassets (Simon Tryzna)
Rich vs Wealthy (Christopher Clepp)
How to Prepare for Death – Steps You Can Take to Make it Easier for Loved Ones (Elliott Appel)
089 – Is it Possible to Overfund Retirement? (Real Personal Finance, Scott Frank & James Conole)