A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“Cash is king in 2023! Short-term interest rates are at the HIGHEST levels in 22 years. Yet, a recent study suggested nearly 70% of Americans haven’t done anything to take advantage of the big move.” (Ted Erhart, CFP®)
10x Your Life With The Same Amount of Money – Finger Financial Five #141 (Jeremy Finger)
Episode 169 – Overcome Procrastination and “Do It Today” (Bautis Financial Book Club) (Agent of Wealth Podcast with Marc Bautis)
How To Choose Your Retirement Living | 5 Options When Deciding Where To Live In Retirement (Thatcher Taylor, CFP®)
3 EASY ways to earn 5% on cash in 2023 (Ted Erhart, CFP®)