A weekly recap of the best content published by rockstar AGC members around the world.
Quote of the Week
“The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program has a brief, but messy history. The program launched in 2007. In the years that followed, borrowers often received poorly-timed or insufficient PSLF news from the federal government. Even worse, some also received incorrect information from student loan servicers. The communication shortcomings have left borrowers desperate for reliable resources.” (Kevin Mahoney)
F*** You Money: The Different Levels (Elliott Appel)
How Should You Prepare If You’re Forced To Retire Early? (Clint Haynes, CFP®)
Why Isn’t Your Qualifying Employer Promoting PSLF News? (Kevin Mahoney, CFP®)
Is Earthquake Insurance Worth It? (Elliott Appel)
Is Now A Good Time To Invest Money In This Market? (Christopher Clepp)
Market Volatility, Inflation, Social Security & The Benefits of Taking a Walk – Finger Financial Five #80 (Jeremy Finger)
Financially Well: Why Isn’t Your Qualifying Employer Promoting PSLF News? (Kevin Mahoney)
Agent of Wealth Podcast: How to Analyze Your 1040 Return To Be More Tax Efficient (Marc Bautis)
Financial Planning Checklist: Should I Buy or Lease My Next Car? (Marc Bautis)